A third of vegetarians own up to eating meat on nights out
Sixty-three percent of vegetarians reported that they did not eat meat regardless of how much they drank.
“I know a few “vegetarians” who sometimes crave meat, but it seems that a few are giving into their cravings when drunk”, Voucher Codes Pro founder George Charles said in outlets.
The most popular foods were classic drunken fare – kebabs and burgers, with 39% going for kebabs and 34% eating burgers.
Twenty-seven per cent of the lapsing veggies said they ate bacon, while 19 per cent opted for fried chicken and 14 per cent confessed to munching on sausages.
The survey was conducted by www.VoucherCodesPro.co.uk and polled 1,789 vegetarians from the United Kingdom, as part of the study. Around 40 percent of vegetarians fessed up that they ate kebab meat while under the influence.
The survey also found that 69% of those so-called vegetarians keep their meat-eating secret, hiding their love for steak and chicken from their friends and family while publicly continuing to shout about their veggie habits.
Yeah, regret is probably a good word for it. almost 70 percent of vegetarians say they don’t tell anyone after they’ve eaten meat.