Administration assures governors refugee vetting is rigorous
Openly gay Colorado Rep. Jared Polis basically did the same. According to the South Bend Tribune, Republican Indiana Senator Dan Coats favors the House bill, while Democratic Senator Joe Donnelly was noncommittal, but was said to be studying the issue. These actions are reprehensible, and present a false choice between our values and our security.
The House legislation ensures refugees will be properly scrutinized before being allowed into the country.
Unlike Obama, Ryan and other supporters of the measure understand Americans’ anxiety.
Administration officials and many Democrats argued that the current vetting process was already tough, and accused Republicans of campaign-season fear-mongering. Most of these people are law-abiding adherents to orthodox views of the Muslim religion, but we are seeing hundreds of young Muslims being radicalized and a few attempting to go to the Middle East to join jihadist campaigns. This is nothing like what the GOP presidential candidates are calling for; it’s actually a weak weak bill. By opposing it we’ve created this ridiculous “sending them to their death” narrative. The president just needs to get home from the Phillipines, with a stop in Paris, and lead the country through this frightening period. But again, I lost sleep over this and still struggle with it.
Because the United States Conference of Mayors has not changed its refugee policy since the Paris attacks, the group’s communications director Elena Temple-Webb told CNN Wednesday she believes the mayors will continue to welcome refugees. The Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Defense and multiple intelligence agencies then work together to carry out multiple security screenings based on biometric and biographic data, photographs, and other background information over a period that lasts on average 18 to 24 months.
Rouzer said he wasn’t sure why Jones voted against the bill.
“To ask me to have my Federal Bureau of Investigation director or other members of the administration make personal guarantees would effectively grind the program to a halt”, Lynch told reporters at a news briefing with Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey.
The whole debate may become soon become mute.
White House maintains President Obama will veto the bill if it passes in the Senate. Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson earlier this week called for increased scrutiny of Syrian migrants so the US can keep away the risky “rabid dogs” among them.
There is no doubt that, given how they treat refugees, Republicans deserve a scolding.
Now, she fears what will happen to the millions of people fleeing the violence in Syria. Only about 2 percent of the Syrian refugees that have been admitted into the United States are single men of combat age. The most important fact is that of the almost 750,000 refugees resettled in the the past 15 years, not one has been arrested on a domestic terrorist charge. In an article on Politico, World Relief vice president Jenny Yang is quoted as saying the move to block refugees “does not reflect what we’ve been hearing from our constituencies, which are evangelical churches across the country”.
However, we also must acknowledge the danger of infiltrators coming among the refugees.
We don’t have to choose between providing refuge to displaced peoples and keeping our own citizens safe – these goals are not mutually exclusive. That’s why I voted for the SAFE Act yesterday. “And given the President’s unwavering support for open borders, unchecked illegal immigration, and mass importation of foreign refugees, we know he can’t be trusted with that authority”.