Advance polls see over 3.6 million voters
Marie during the 2011 federal election campaign. In all, 70,231 people voted in the “Pop Up” polling stations.
But perhaps that’s not the case. Nearly 25 per cent of the riding’s eligible voters cast their ballots at an advance poll. And Thanksgiving Monday proved to be the busiest day of all, as the polls attracted 1.2 million voters. There was also advance polling Monday, but those results were not included in these numbers.
They were sent to the three Elections Canada voting booths to mark their choice, and then shown how to drop their ballot in the box. Between classes, registering to vote for the first time, homework, part-time jobs, trying to unravel party platforms’ meanings, essays and whatever bad luck life decides to throw at us, voting can feel like a pain in the ass.
Hopefully, the number of people voting at advance polls indicates a strong turnout on election day.
When was the last time that was an issue? Whether you vote for the party you like or the person you prefer or even go in for a bit of strategic voting in your riding, it’s important to vote.
When it comes to voter turnout, I seriously wonder how it’s going to be this year. While the West Shore is a little less volatile than other areas in B.C., he noted that there are a number of factors unique to the area which will influence voters’ decisions.
“Maybe it’s the good weather, maybe it’s the fact that…it’s a weekend and they’re on holidays”, he said.
Election day is on Monday and a few watchdog groups want to make sure your ballot actually counts. Telling people it’s their obligation to vote does not work.
With the longest election campaign in recent history coming to an end, Canadians are eager to cast their ballots – at least that’s what the numbers at the advanced polling stations are indicating. One voter estimated that she waited in line for about 45 minutes.
Last week we asked Greater Cleveland readers how they prefer to vote and whether the voting process was too easy or whether it’s not easy enough.
The loyal Conservative following will have no problem getting fellow blue bloods like them to the polls.
You don’t necessarily need photo ID to vote.
If you want to keep the current Prime Minister, get out and vote.
As Brandon University political scientist Kelly Saunders said, if people are that motivated to get out and vote, it tends to suggest a change vote. Now it’s time to vote.
According to Leger research the majority of Canadians will make a decision two days before the election.