Amazon Web Services Issue Leaves Part of the Internet in Disarray
Cloud infrastructure provider Amazon Web Services (AWS) today confirmed that it’s looking into issues with its widely used S3 storage service in the major us-east-1 region of data centers in Northern Virginia. Amazon is reporting “high error rates” in the eastern region of the USA, affecting numerous websites and services.
For S3, we believe we understand root cause and are working hard at repairing.
If you’re wondering why numerous Internet’s most popular websites and services were down for a couple hours today, look no further than the widespread outages experienced by Amazon’s popular web hosting and storage platform.
Amazon’s Simple Storage Service, or Amazon S3, had difficulty sending and receiving clients’ data for more than three and half hours, according to company status reports online.
“Multiple websites using Amazon Web Services experienced disruptions or outages as a result of problems with the service”.
The internet company is now at work to bring the hardware completely back online, according to its website.
The cloud hosting services of Amazon have been affected by downtime, causing much of the world wide web to malfunction. On its services tracking page, Amazon has said that they are “actively working on remediating the issue”.
Amazon, the online retail giant, also runs an enormous cloud computing operation, one responsible for a full tenth of the company’s revenue.
In 2015, AWS went offline for five hours, an event that was roughly as disruptive as Tuesday’s outage. Affected were several companies and Amazon’s own services, including Prime Instant Video. Other apparent victims include The AV Club, Trello, Quora, IFTTT, Open Whisper Systems, and websites created with Wix.