American Airlines Goes Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
“I was with my sister for the whole treatment and the year after”. But the best way to fight breast cancer is to help women detect the disease in its early stages.
“Bottom line is we want to make sure that any money that is being spent is going to people that actually need it and people who are friends here in town”.
For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, one of Fort Lauderdale’s busiest streets will be painted pink and renamed Pink Drive.
The cancer organization also estimates that 231,840 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women in the United States this year. Researchers say less than 15 percent of women who get breast cancer, do not have a history of it in their families. Colts spokesperson Stephanie Pemberton says all the proceeds from the shirts are going to go to IU Health Simon Cancer Center, and they hope to remind fans about the importance of screenings.
Eagle said she chose her doctors, read up on the type of cancer she had, studied all the side effects of the drugs and studied the nutrition for before and after her chemo treatments.
Breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women. We’ll also focus on education, prevention and inspiration.
Local MPs are encouraging their constituents to ditch the day-to-day colours and pull on a few pink to support charity.
“Ms. Tracey Trott and Mr. Duval Robinson are the chairpersons of CedarBridge Academy Breast Cancer Awareness Committee”.
Inner Images Inc., a leading mobile and all-digital mammography company, announced today the mobile coach will visit NFL Network’s studios in Culver City to screen their employees on October. “And we let them have a little bit of fun”, James said.