Amy Schumer Scores 8-Figure Book Deal
The rumored sale of the book comes nearly two weeks after Publishers Weekly, a trade magazine, reproted that Schumer’s agent, David Kuhn, was shopping a proposal with New York publishers. After its closing on Friday, it is said that the winning bid falls between $8 to 10 million.
“I am thrilled to be working with Gallery”.
Similar books by other amusing women like Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Lena Dunham and Mindy Kaling have all been best-sellers with decent shelf-lives, but Schumer’s deal is considerably higher than any of those.
Schumer, who is a co-creator, writer, and star on the Comedy Central program “Inside Amy Schumer” and starred in and wrote this summer’s romantic comedy hit “Trainwreck“, said of her upcoming book in a statement, “Believe it or not, there’s actually more I have to say”. If their success is any indication, Schumer’s hot streak won’t be coming to an end anytime soon.
Schumer knows how to share herself and her story, that much has been proved time and again.
Amy Schumer’s jokes have been heard on television and in movies and read on Twitter and soon we can read them in book form. Not only did the actress win an Emmy on Sunday night, Simon & Schuster imprint Gallery Books confirmed today that it has struck a deal with Schumer to publish her upcoming memoir.