Anne Arundel County To Spray For Mosquitoes After West Nile Virus Detection
Maryland’s health department has confirmed the first human case of West Nile virus this year in the state.
This year, mosquitoes in 27 counties – including Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, and Marion have tested positive for the virus, according to the Indiana State Department of Health. Health officials did not specify where in the Baltimore area the person lives. A mosquito pool is a group of mosquitoes collected at one of several trap sites across Maryland.
Avoiding unnecessary outdoor activities at dawn and dusk, when mosquitoes are most active. “The good news though is that you can prevent these diseases by taking precautions like using insect repellent and wearing trousers and long sleeves if you’re walking in any wooded or marshy areas”. Officials say people with compromised immune systems also may be at high risk of the virus.
State health officials said most people infected with the West Nile virus will not have any symptoms.
West Nile virus can cause West Nile fever, a mild form of the illness, which can include fever, headache, body aches, swollen lymph glands or a rash.
West Nile Virus is transmitted through the bite of a mosquito that has picked up the virus by feeding on an infected bird. Subsequently, the Cumberland County West Nile Program will conduct an ultra-low volume (ULV) mosquito control operation Wednesday in parts of South Middleton Township and Mount Holly Borough.