Assassin’s Creed Dev “Re-Examining” Franchise, Annual Release in Doubt
“The goal is not to automatically come back to an annual cycle, but to come back on a regular basis”, Guillemot said. “We’re taking this year to evolve the game mechanics and to make sure we’re delivering on the promise of Assassin’s Creed offering unique and memorable gameplay experiences that make history everyone’s playground”. Guillemot doesn’t say, but it certainly seems like the days of seeing a new Assassin’s Creed reveal and release every year are behind us.
Speaking at the Ubisoft Investor Day, Yves Guillemot the chief exec of Ubisoft revealed that they are rethinking the strategy for releases.
And for once, it’s not going to be a hidden blade in 2016, as they’ve made a decision to give Assassin’s Creed a much-needed break and possibly even an extended hiatus from annual releases.
The publisher has also confirmed that the next entry in the series won’t be set in Spain, which is the setting for the upcoming movie starring Michael Fassbender. This year will be a different story, however, and as it turns out there’s a chance that Assassin’s Creed may never return to the strict annual release schedule it has been on since Assassin’s Creed 2 released in 2009.
Assassin’s Creed has been an annualised franchise for quite some time.
Furthermore, the franchise is branching out into film and novels. One of the things they got wrong might have been annualizing the series. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, so it will be especially exciting to see what Ubisoft is able to cook up for the series over the next couple of years.
“We have focused one of our best teams behind what we are working on Assassin’s Creed”.
But really, though, Assassin’s Creed: Unity had some horrific bugs.