Sotomayor, Social Science Advocate: “Every metric points in the same direction” toward ending gerrymandering, Justice Sonia Sotomayor said. This is why in 2012, Barack Obama carried 27 congressional districts with at least 80 percent of the vote, whereas Mitt Romney...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday said his government will not accept a reconciliation deal between rival Palestinian factions that puts Israel at risk.
But Ginsburg and Breyer have been in the four-justice minority in most of these cases, joined by Justices Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, and outvoted by the court’s five conservative justices, who have sided consistently with the business community. They wanted to take...
The bill was introduced in the previous Congress in 2015, but was not brought up for a vote even after Democrats staged a sit-in on the House floor past year demanding a vote.
Guns were already on the radar for Monday in Virginia’s governor’s race, but the massacre in Las Vegas on Sunday night forced both campaigns to react amid another round of debate over the political response to mass shootings.
The U.S. president’s trip to a New Jersey golf course is said to have delayed the island’s intended aid, according to reports. I am begging. Begging anyone who can hear us to save us from dying.
According to, both tackles have graded out below average for the 2017 season as a whole and Matt Kalil was graded as the 61 of 72 tackles.
“Lewis did a fantastic job today to score P2 while Valtteri, just like over the rest of the weekend, struggled to match that pace and brought the auto home in P5”.
We have six months before our nation begins feeling the full effect of the Trump administration’s elimination of the DACA program (which stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, a program established by President Barack Obama to allow undocumented immigrants who...