Speaking in Tokyo at the start of a trip to Asia focused on the threat from North Korea, Tillerson defended the cuts as a necessary correction to a “historically high” budget that had grown to address conflicts overseas in which the United States was engaged, as well...
President Donald Trump’s newly appointed top diplomat flew into the U.S. Osan military airbase Friday morning where he met with the commanders of the U.S. Forces in Korea before visiting the heavily fortified Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) along the inter-Korean border,...
In it, he said he would not defend then-presidential candidate Trump – “not now, not in the future”. Today consumers in one-third of all US counties have a choice of only one Obamacare insurer, and if they want to use their tax credits, they must buy from the...
Comparing U.S. per-capita public spending on health care to the United Kingdom, where everyone is covered, in 2013, the U.S. spent $4,197, while the United Kingdom spent $2,802, a 40 percent difference.
“The United States holds a joint military exercise every year to push the situation on the Korean Peninsula to a serious situation, and that is the source of the super tough measures we must take”, Pak Myong Ho told reporters in a rare briefing at the North Korean...
Also over the weekend, the Netherlands escorted Turkey’s family affairs minister out of the country and refused to let its foreign minister land there.
President Donald Trump finally addressed his claim that his White House predecessor wiretapped him Friday, joking that he and German Chancellor Angela Merkel had “something in common, perhaps”.
The health care debate has focused primarily on proposed alterations to the insurance system established by the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), but the Medicaid issue is equally important. Many sincerely believe redistributive policy is morally wrong; that less-regulated markets...
Tillerson’s talks with Xi will also lay the groundwork for a summit between Xi and U.S. President Donald Trump, which is expected to take place in early April in Florida.
But in the NCAA tournament, there are at least 16 to 18 teams that have a shot of winning it all which builds suspense and creates excitement. The publication noted that in six years, “Obama has nailed only one national champion: North Carolina in 2009 …”
Stark differences between President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on everything from trade to immigration were in full view during an icy first meeting at the White House Friday.