North Korea has denied any involvement in the mine blasts and threatened “indiscriminate” strikes against South Korean border units unless the broadcasts were halted immediately.
The chief suspect is “an unnamed male foreigner”, according to an arrest warrant issued Wednesday by a Thai court. Authorities appear to have few solid leads and have given confusing and sometimes contradictory statements on the investigation.
Shah, who parted ways with moderate faction of Hurriyat Conference previous year and formed a separate unit, was not allowed to go for Friday prayers, a spokesman of Shah’s party said.
Along with the 313 people rescued from the fishing boat and the 49 bodies, the Siem Pilot was also carrying 103 migrants from a separate rescue by a German ship, AFP reports.
When the Parliament last voted in July on opening new bailout negotiations with the leftist-led government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, 60 of Merkel’s MPs went against her. In a test vote on Tuesday ahead of the debate, 56 members of her bloc voted against the package...
Cazeneuve did not mention any visit to Syria or France, only naming Spain and Belgium as the suspected militant’s places of residence, this year and last.
This summer, bishops in Iowa, Illinois, and Ohio have held news conferences on the encyclical, urging political leaders to take up the pope’s call for bold leadership and pledging to reduce carbon emissions or water and power usage in their own dioceses. John Gehring,...
The US on Wednesday then circulated a draft UN Security Council resolution proposing an arms embargo and targeted sanctions against South Sudan if Kiir refuses to ink the peace pact.
Plans to bolster flood protection, drawn up years ago, never addressed the wild card of climate change, which most experts now acknowledge will lift sea levels and trigger more intense storms.