A bomb destroyed the secret police headquarters in Aden on Saturday, residents of the southern Yemen city said, in an attack that one official blamed on Al-Qaeda.
But Pakistan is unwilling to relent. Hours before the talks were to begin, Pakistan said the terms India said were non-negotiable – no involving the Hurriyat in the talks and to accept by midnight on Saturday that Kashmir would be off the agenda – were not acceptable.
There are around 300 of the colorful, flightless takahe birds left in the world, but thanks to a hunting snafu in New Zealand, there are now four fewer of the critically endangered species.
“I describe Baghdadi as a shepherd, and his deputies are the dogs who herd the sheep”, said Hisham al-Hashimi, a security analyst who studied Isil’s leadership structure. He was a member of Al Qaeda in Iraq, the predecessor group to the Islamic State.
The Directorate General of Civil Aviation has suspended two Jet Airways pilots in connection with the unsafe landing of a flight at the worldwide airport here without mandatory reserve fuel requirement. The flight was to land at Kochi but finally landed at Thiruvananthapuram...
A Syrian man who was presumed dead after a massive market bombing woke up two days after the attack, emerged from the rubble and walked into his own wake.
The shamed paralympian, who was convicted last year of manslaughter for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, is demanding to be treated as a king – as a leading South Africa lawyer warned he could be behind bars for years following the last minute decision not to release...