Malala was only 11 years old when she penned an anonymous diary under the pseudonym Gul Makai – the name of a heroine from a Pashtun folk tale – that had a wide variety of readers all over the world.
Pakistan’s Sartaz Aziz is scheduled to arrive in New Delhi to meet India’s national security adviser Ajit Doval on Sunday, just as both countries have upped their rhetoric over the disputed region of Kashmir.
Since he left office in 2001, President Clinton and the former First Lady, Hillary Clinton, haven’t left the front lines of the American political scene. His plan frames Walker’s solution as an alternative to Clinton’s positions on healthcare, and the digital ad...
The rout started in Asia and quickly spread to Europe, battering major markets in Germany and France. “And this something has to translate into a weaker U.S. dollar“.
Under the Conservative leader, nation-building projects such as the railroad or national health care would never have been realized, Wynne said, while Mulcair’s promises are unrealistic or unaffordable. That person is Mr. Duffy, because Mr. Duffy took taxpayer’s money...
Most people who wear contact lenses have not cared for them properly, risking infection in one or both eyes at some point, according to a new study by the Centers for Disease Control.
The jolla Tablet has been one which has hit the headlines a lot over this year and seemed to do well when it was crowd seeking funds, through its Indiegogo campaign. Pre-orders are open to the EU, Norway, Switzerland, United States, Canada, Australia, India, and Hong Kong.
The new three-year bailout package – Greece’s third bailout in little more than five years – is worth a total of 86 billion euros ($96 billion), and the gradual disbursement of funds depends on the Greek government implementing a series of reforms, including...
Critics questioned some aspects of the article, which was changed by the news company repeatedly, including to indicate that the global Atomic Energy Agency staff would monitor Iranian personnel during the site inspections. The report was based on what the AP’s anonymous...