The downsizing began months ago and comes in the wake of a similar action involving trainees earlier, which prompted almost 30 trainees to file a case at a labour court here last month seeking reinstatement, sources said.
The suspect doesn’t look like an average Thai national and a motorcycle taxi driver who said he took the suspect away from the scene after the explosion stated that he spoke a foreign language and that it didn’t seem to be English.
Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif called on Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif at the PM House in Islamabad on Tuesday to deliberate on the proposed agenda.
“The recent acts of violence will not be tolerated in a community that has worked so tirelessly over the last year to rebuild and become stronger”, St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger said in a statement.
A Japanese journalist cited in a Washington Post report described the remarks as “unprecedented”, and it has been suggested that the emperor has shown a subtle opposition to Abe’s “aggressive form of pacifism” when it comes to commenting on the...
You don’t have to be a doctor to know it’s an uphill battle for President Carter, who began radiation treatment following his news conference. The drug, and a similar treatment called Opdivo from Bristol-Myers Squibb, are part of a promising class of drugs that...
The Israeli Supreme Court on Wednesday suspended the detention of a critically ill Palestinian inmate whose two-month hunger strike has placed a harsh spotlight on Israel’s legal system.
“I also wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the activists and the people’s representatives of our party who worked indefatigably in the election campaign”, he added.
Burns told a television news channel that he nearly had a panic attack when he saw himself being mistaken by people on social media for the Bangkok bomber.
Harry Clarke, the driver in the Glasgow bin lorry tragedy which left six people dead, has described his last memory of the incident as “a bang, just like a light switch” before fainting at the wheel.