According to new data revealed yesterday by sources of Digitimes, Qualcomm will be the sole supplier for the iPhone 6s modem whereas Intel could play its part in 2017. Specifically, Apple seeks documents regarding whether Qualcomm had or has a license or is or was otherwise...
Meanwhile, US Secretary of State John Kerry will preside over the ceremony Friday to officially reopen the US embassy in Havana, with the hoisting of the flag of the bars and stars at the building located opposite the emblematic Malecón seawall. The two countries formally...
Amgen will pay a total of $71 million to resolve allegations that it unlawfully promoted its Aranesp® and Enbrel® drugs, and must adhere to specific restrictions with respect to future drug promotions.
Greek authorities are planning to add more ferries to the route linking the islands of the eastern Aegean to the port of Piraeus and elsewhere on the mainland in a bid to ease pressure on the islands which are on the front line of an influx of migrants.
Two years before voting age, he’s beginning to understand that democracy is a precious gift. It’s like watching saplings of democracy starting to leaf.
Two former police officers from East Point, Ga. have been indicted on charges of murder in the April 2014 death of Gregory Towns, a 24-year-old unarmed black man who died after a stun gun was used on him while he was in handcuffs. The City of East Point agreed to settle a lawsuit...
“Diplomatically, India has repeatedly emphasised, including at the highest level, the need for Pakistan to uphold the sanctity of the Line of Control (LoC) and abide by the ceasefire commitment of 2003 along the global Border and LC”, he said.
He also drew attention to Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s visit to Russian-occupied Crimea on Monday, ostensibly, to promote tourism, as another provocation.
The article referred to the deal as being the “first fire sale under a SYRIZA government” and a “large present to [Angela] Merkel and [Wolfgang] Schaeuble, clearly in return for their services in the formation of the new, deplorable memorandum”.