Iran’s crude oil production will not rise until worldwide sanctions against it have been lifted, a senior Iranian oil official was cited as saying on Tuesday.
Following the death of longtime Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, a Taliban spokesman has confirmed that Mullah Akhtar Mohammad has been named as the group’s new leader.
“While concerned with many provisions of the Iran deal, Gary ultimately supports the agreement and is stepping down to avoid any conflict with UANI’s work in opposition to the agreement“, the group’s CEO Mark D. Wallace said in a statement.
Montreal scored twice within a minute to earn a 2-2 draw against the visiting Vancouver Whitecaps in the first leg of the Amway Canadian Championship final on Wednesday. Although the performance was not the best, the two away goals should be seen as a positive and placing them in...
The St. Johns Bridge is at a key location on the Fennica’s route from Portland to the Arctic. The icebreaker is a vital part of Shell’s exploration and spill-response plan off Alaska’s northwest coast.
The Taliban issued a statement claiming responsibility for the attack on the base. A suicide bomber targeted members of an irregular anti-Taliban militia, killing 25 people, according to a local police spokesman.
Reports that Indonesia would be issuing permits for another 50,000 slaughter-ready cattle immediately has also been confirmed by Australian agriculture ministry.
The Indian community in the UAE is planning a Madison Square-like reception for Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the first Indian premier to visit the oil-rich Arab nation in 34 years. The deal was signed in December 2013 to ensure protection of crossborder investments by India and...
The Clinton campaign may be smiling about Trump and his dominance over the GOP campaign, but they aren’t laughing about Bernie Sanders, who is drawing considerable attention in the Democratic race.
“In short, we maintain the view that a third bailout for Greece will not solve its deep-seated economic and fiscal problems or secure its future inside the currency union”, Loynes said.
Virginia students raised their reading and math SOL test scores five points and saw a two-point gain in writing, science and history tests, Virginia Superintendent of Public Instruction Steven Staples announced Tuesday. Waynesboro had the lowest math average with 68.17. This...
Carphone Warehouse told the BBC that it was in the process of informing all the customers who may have been affected by the cyberattack and helping them to reduce further risk of their personal data being exposed as a result.
Tiger Memon a prime accused in Mumbai serial blasts of 1993 has rang his family shortly before hanging Yakub Memon, an accused in the case and brother of Tiger Memon.