A bombing in Afghanistan’s northern Kunduz province has killed 22 members of illegal armed groups, including four leaders, an Afghan official said Sunday.
In the UK, the current military nuclear weapon system, Trident, is often criticised as being too expensive to maintain and unnecessary in its mission to keep world peace by some politicians and political parties.
The U.S. began conducting strikes from Incirlik with armed drones last week, Navy Captain Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, told reporters on August 5, while saying that operations with manned aircraft would take more time. The detachment is part of the 31st Fighter Wing based at...
The incident comes as tensions between Israelis and Palestinians are high after the torching of a Palestinian home in the West Bank last week by suspected Jewish extremists that killed a Palestinian toddler and severely wounded his parents and 4-year-old brother.
Aircraft were attacking the Jerusalem fire, which was reported at 3:42 p.m.in Jerusalem Valley southeast of Lower Lake, Cal Fire’s Suzie Blankenship said.
Pitella said the use by Israel of administrative detention orders – which allow for renewable six-month periods of detention without trial – not only against Palestinians but also against extremist Jews “doesn’t help”.
Law enforcement and transportation officials won’t hesitate in predicting that attendance at the 75th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally will nearly certainly blow away all previous rally records. “Depending on the time of day, traffic can be backed up two or three miles just...
Abu Dhabi: “Inspirational”, “righteous”, “down to earth” and “a true leader” were some of the qualities residents across the UAE attributed to former Indian president Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, who died on July 27 following a cardiac...
Mr Liow, who later specified he was referring to aircraft seat cushions and windows, said it remained to be seen whether the latest items found on the island were from the MH370.