In a message broadcast on radio early Thursday, President Thein Sein said areas near the Irrawaddy were at risk as the river rises “above danger level”.
“As part of our agreement with the US, we have made progress regarding the opening up of our bases, particularly Incirlik,” Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu earlier told state broadcaster TRT, as cited by Reuters.
The death of Johanna Maria Quandt, head of the family which has a controlling stake in BMW, will not affect the family’s shareholding in the German carmaker, a spokesman said.
“This includes the significance of existing copper in incumbent and competitive networks that is relied upon to serve customers in combination with the existing and new fiber infrastructure built by all providers”. The agency would have to approve any changes that...
Bronwyn Bishop has finally quit the speakership after weeks of revelations about her extravagant claims and the government has set up a sweeping review into the parliamentary entitlement system to quell public anger and get more clarity into the system.
The Rocky Fire was one of 20 wildfires being fought in California. The crews will battle mountainous wildfires in northern California using hand tools like shovels, axes and rakes to manually create a fire break or fire line around the wildfire perimeter.
A rosary, a sake container, a student’s cap, 20 items in all, provide a personal connection to the tens of thousands who were killed instantly after the United States bombed the Japanese cities to bring an end to World War II. He also said the country needs the legislation...
Trump disagreed with Kelly’s characterization. They quarreled over immigration, terrorism and gay marriage, each casting himself as the strongest to take on Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton.
(2) Experience Matters. Of the seven candidates on stage, only the two Ricks-Santorum and Perry-previously ran for president. Perry said, recalling Trump’s comments more than a decade ago in which he expressed support for a universal health care system. “How can you...
There will be ten Republican presidential candidates on the stage for first pre-primary GOP debate, but for the millions of viewers expected to tune into the two-hour rhetorical cage match on Fox News, it’s all about Donald Trump. His startling declaration left his onstage...
The flood situation in West Bengal showed improvement on Wednesday on account of little or no rainfall since Tuesday and a reduced quantity of water discharge from the barrages upstream, as the death toll rose to 85.