News about the Xbox One limited edition Halo 5 console bundle arrived on Twitter along with its October 20, 2015 release date. No, snarky reader, it’s not merely the $500 price tag.
Local police and tunnel security said hundreds of migrants had scaled fences around the Coquelles terminal in northern France and attempted to smuggle themselves on board vehicles.
With the Assembly elections due in Bihar later this year and its rivals making the Land Bill a key poll issue, the government appears to have decided that discretion is the better part of valour.
“I have not taken this decision lightly, however it is because of my love and respect for the institution of Parliament and the Australian people that I have resigned as Speaker”, Mrs Bishop said in a statement.
“RAF Tornados have carried out hundreds of strikes, helping Iraqi forces push back IS from the Kurdish region and out of key towns such as Tikrit and Bayji”.
Prosecutors say they have launched the probe against two journalists of, and an unidentified source, following a criminal complaint by Germany’s domestic intelligence agency over two articles that appeared on the website, reports Reuters.