Britain’s government promised new measures on Monday to crack down on illegal immigrants by making landlords evict them, as the Calais migrants crisis continued to dominate the headlines.
U.S.-led global coalition launched 30 new strikes on strongholds of the extremist group of Islamic State (IS/ISIS), the Combined Joint Task Force said in a statement on Saturday.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said it was not immediately clear how numerous deaths in the northwestern town had resulted from the crash and how many were killed in the bombing run.
The former Russian spy was poisoned in November 2006 by Russian agents Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitry Kovtun, who laced Litvinenko’s tea with the radioactive isotope polonium-210. After Litvinenko’s death, British experts alleged that a considerable amount of radioactive...
China is tightening controls on export of some drones and powerful computers and will require firms to register to ensure they do not “compromise national security”, according to state media.
Israeli Interior Security Minister Gilad Erdan said Monday “any method is kosher” to deal with far-right Jewish groups and militants, including a harsh interrogation method.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Monday that Obama will attempt to ease concerns that the deal, which curbs Tehran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief, could put Israel’s safety at risk.
Following the exam, two internet petitions were started to highlight the problems with one stating: “Students, teachers and parents alike are in disbelief at the exam set by the SQA for Higher maths”.
London, Asharq Al-Awsat-A new UK immigration bill announced by the government on Monday gives landlords the authority to evict their tenants if they lose their right to stay in the country, the BBC reported.