At least 35 people were killed in a twin suicide bomb attack at a camp for people displaced by Boko Haram’s Islamist insurgency in northeast Nigeria on Tuesday, the head of the Borno state emergency management agency told AFP.
The Karnataka government today suspended another senior police official in connection with the alleged assault and stripping of a Tanzanian woman student in Bengaluru.
On Tuesday, Pyongyang officially notified the United Nations that it planned to launch a weather observation satellite sometime from February 8-24 from its missile test center on North Korea’s west coast.
The tests prompted UN Security Council members to impose sanctions against the country, which is already under sanctions for its nuclear and missile programmes.
The Press Trust of India news agency quoted forest ranger Sanjoy Dutta as saying the elephant damaged homes by crashing through walls and upending pillars.
According to the IEA’s monthly report, OPEC’s current production rose by 280,000 barrels a day in January to 32.63 million barrels a day. Saudi Arabia, Opec’s biggest member and de facto leader, boosted production by 70,000 barrels a day to 10.21 million.
“For [Steinem] to go on Bill Maher’s show and say that women become radicalized with age, but when you’re younger you’re just thinking about where the boys are…”
A crew using the boats and helicopters has rescued hundreds of people from the damage scene of two German trains that have been crashed this Tuesday in a cut off part of Bavaria.
The Unha rocket used to launch North Korea’s last satellite is believed to be based on the Taepodong long-range ballistic missile, which has an estimated range of around 5,600 miles (9,000 kilometers).
Israeli sources familiar with the situation told Elaph that Israel has updated Egypt on the movements of the Islamic State affiliate in Sinai and provided Egypt with information on the group’s relations with Hamas.
“Charging ahead with implementation of the Clean Power Plan would have caused immediate and irreparable harm to America’s electric co-ops”, said NRECA Interim CEO Jeffrey Connor.
South Koreans watch a TV news program with file footage of North Korea’s rocket-launch plans, at Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, February 3, 2016.