He posted the photo just a day after a Swiss investigation into 1MDB said there are “serious indications” that about billion may taken from state companies in the country.
The current commander of the USA and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation forces in Afghanistan Gen. John Campbell said a year ago that the loyalists of the terror group are attempting to establish a regional base in Jalalabad, the capital city of eastern Nangarhar province.
North Korea said last month it wasn’t interested in aggravating tensions and that it would suspend nuclear testing if the US stopped joint military drills with South Korea, a proposal quickly dismissed by USA officials.
The U.N. health agency declared on Monday a global public health emergency over the Zika virus chiefly affecting Brazil and other countries in the region, the first such warning since the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014.
The Commander of the war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria is now weighing methods of “intensifying” the attacks against the Muslim extremist group through USA or coalition ground attacks, stepped up aerial bombardment or heavier training of the Iraqi Security Forces.
A USA warship sailed near a disputed island in the South China Sea on Saturday in a bid to counter efforts to limit freedom of navigation, the Pentagon said over the weekend.
Reacting on Maneka’s proposal, activist Brinda Adige said, “I absolutely do not agree with Meneka’s statement for registering sex of the foetus, because sex determination does not matter”.
According to the Israeli news site Walla, Adeis claims that the entire retaining wall, including the Western Wall, is part of the complex and therefore “a holy Islamic site expropriated by Israel in 1967”.
U.S. Texas Senator Ted Cruz on Monday won Iowa Republican caucuses with a comfortable lead over billionaire developer Donald Trump despite the latter’s dominance in the Republican field over the past six months.