Denmark’s Parliament approved a controversial law Tuesday allowing police to seize valuables worth more than $1,500 from asylum-seekers to help cover their housing and food costs while their cases were being processed.
It leaves it to viewers to make the connection to Clinton, which given the headlines and Sanders’ more-direct references at the Democratic debates, they surely will. In other words, it’s a classic primary-campaign ad. I have no idea who said this.
The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) announced the upgraded alert level at 9.15pm (WST) on Saturday for communities between Port Hedland and Wallal in the Pilbara and Kimberley.
According to IEA, International Energy Agency, there could be yet another fall in the price of Oil as there has been an excessive supply of the same in placed where there is much lesser demand. “There is no reason to believe why and how prices will recover by the end of...
At the meantime, Rio de Janeiro Mayor Eduardo Paes said he does not believe the spreading Zika virus “is a problem for the Olympics”, which open in six months in the picturesque South American city. However, Zika can cause severe birth defects in babies of infected...
On an unusually cold January morning, the astronauts’ families and other onlookers watched as the Challenger lifted off from Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida, for what was supposed to be a seven day trip.
Over 80,000 refugees were saved off Turkish coasts in 2015 alone, while more than 3,000 died on their way to Greek islands via Turkey, the Turkish coast guard said.
The quake in Alaska that wakened residents of the south-central portion of that state in the early hours of Sunday morning has been upgraded back to a 7.1 magnitude (7.1M).
“China, France and Britain are all leading powers in peaceful use of nuclear energy, and we should be full of confidence in this multilateral cooperation”, said Xu Dazhe, director of the China Atomic Energy Authority, at a press conference.
Ms Mani said there has been an ongoing surveillance on Zika virus by the Ministry from past year including clean-up campaigns against mosquito vectors for dengue (which is the same vector for Chikungunya and Zika Virus). In India, we have to double mosquito control measures since...