Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Danny Danon and his colleagues display what he called “terror dolls”, right, that he said are being used to teach hatred among Palestinian children, Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2016, at the U.N. He spoke shortly before the U.N. Security Council...
A Southern California sheriff on Tuesday acknowledged lapses in security at the jail where three inmates escaped over the weekend, one of them a convicted killer wanted for the mutilation torture of a victim.
The nation’s capital was at a standstill, with federal government offices ordered shut on Monday, schools in the district and surrounding suburbs shuttered and the U.S. House of Representatives cancelling all votes until next week. That brought the death toll in New York...
Transport Minister Abbas Akhoondi told journalists Tehran would discuss details with Airbus next week and was also interested in negotiating with USA plane maker Boeing for aircraft.
Christian De Berdouare sits on the newly discovered second safe found during demolition of Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar’s former mansion, Monday Jan. 25, 2016 in Miami Beach, Fla.
The achievement – which brings closer the day when type 1 diabetes patients will no longer need daily insulin injections – is marked by the publication of two papers: one in Nature Medicine that covers the tests in mice and the other in Nature Biotechnology that...
The second day of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s historic visit to Europe will see him meet Pope Francis on a trip that is otherwise focused on more worldly matters.
Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu had previously said that the PYD should attend the Syria talks alongside the representatives of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
“If a rider complains that a driver accelerated too fast and broke too hard, we can review that trip using data”, Uber explains. For drivers, it means that unwarranted complaints won’t ding their rating, and for passengers, it might make them more comfortable...
Military pallbearers carry the coffins of four Kenyan soldiers who were killed in Somalia, at a ceremony to receive their bodies which were airlifted to Wilson Airport in Nairobi, Kenya Monday, Jan. 18, 2016.