They also handed out leaflets on contracts to passers-by, saying that first and foremost they want to “negotiate a contract that is fair for doctors, safe for patients and provides a future for the NHS”.
Rezaian’s release, and that of fellow Americans Amir Hekmati, Saeed Abedini and Nosratollah Khosravi-Roodsari, is unlikely to alter that policy or Iran’s transgressions of worldwide law.
Several GOP presidential candidates have slammed Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton for her role before and after the attack in Benghazi, saying she knew from the start it was an act of terrorism.
The leader of Britain’s opposition Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, completed the first reshuffling of his shadow Cabinet early Wednesday morning, producing only minor changes after two days of internal argument.
This common sentiment helped to propel Tsai Ing-wen, leader of the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party, into power in the presidential election on January 16.
The Syrian government has said it is ready to take part in the talks, but wants to see who is on the opposition negotiating team and a list of armed groups that will be classified as terrorists as part of the peace process.
The US and its ally South Korea are in talks to send further strategic assets to the Korean peninsula, a day after a US B-52 bomber flew over the South in response to the test.
South Korean and Chinese defence officials met in Seoul on Friday with North Korea’s latest nuclear test high on the agenda, as pressure grows on Beijing to take a tougher line with ally Pyongyang.
Director General of the Iranian Culture Centre in Peshawar, Ali Yousafi, said on Friday that a conspiracy was being hatched to create misconceptions and conflicts between Iran and Saudi Arabia to weaken these developed Islamic countries.
The national strike comes after communication between the British Medical Association (BMA) and Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt MP, surrounding safer work conditions and better pay broke down. The BMA fears that proposals to change the maximum number of working hours per week will...
Islamic State group militants militants killed at least 75 people execution style in attacks on government-held areas in Syria’s city of Deir al-Zor on Saturday, a source and a monitoring said.
“The fifth U.S. citizen who was released, as a separate but clearly associated good will gesture from Iran, Matthew Trevithick, he has already departed Iran”, the official said.