“We’re here for the people of Harney County, we’re here because the people were ignored”, Bundy replied to the sheriff demanding a “redress of grievances” before they pack up and go home.
Iran and Saudi Arabia are now locked in a diplomatic row over Sunni-majority Riyadh’s execution of a prominent Shiite cleric, along with 46 others over terror charges.
Taiwan’s independence-leaning opposition leader Tsai Ing-wen won a convincing victory in presidential elections on Saturday, becoming the first woman to hold the country’s top office.
Following the release of a report confirming that Iran has completed necessary preparatory steps to start the implementation of a plan of action aiming to resolve the nuclear issue, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Saturday welcomed the achievement of having reached...
Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said the findings of the IAEA inspectors had confounded sceptics who said that Iran would never give up on its nuclear programme.
“This remains our goal and our door is open to talks, but the government must address our concerns around safe working patterns and ensure the contract recognises the long, intense and unsocial hours which junior doctors do”.
Before his recapture, Guzman had contacts with people outside the prison including USA actor Sean Penn, who published an interview with the cartel leader in Rolling Stone, a biweekly magazine that focuses on popular culture.
Since 1980, HHS and USDA have shared a responsibility to the American public to ensure that advancements in scientific understanding about the role of nutrition in health are incorporated into the Dietary Guidelines, which are updated every five years.
All Turkish dailies Thursday continued to cover the terrorist attack that hit Istanbul’s historical Sultanahmet district, killing 10 people and injuring 15 others, many of them German tourists.
Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir told the gathering that Iran’s attack on the Saudi embassy in Tehran after the execution of al-Nimr was the latest incident in decades of aggression.
Iran meanwhile accused Saudi Arabia of hurting efforts to resolve the Syrian civil war with the dispute, which has resulted in tensions between the Sunni and Shiite regional rivals reaching new heights.