Israel announced Wednesday it will not receive Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom in view of her harsh comments on Israel’s disproportionate and extra-judicial killing of Palestinians during the recent spate of violence between Palestinians and Israelis.
Amateur footage was captured in the Sultanahmet tourist area of police rushing in to help the wounded – with one police vehicle overturning on the way there.
MICHELE KELEMEN, BYLINE: When he was negotiating the nuclear deal with Iran, Secretary Kerry spent many hours with his Iranian counterpart, and Kerry is now suggesting that relationship with Foreign Minister Javad Zarif was key in getting the USA sailors back. Republicans...
In the United States, members of Congress held a hearing to review ways to press North Korea to dial back its nuclear ambitions, with proposals ranging from providing South Korea with terminal high altitude area defense missiles to pushing China to cut off North Korea’s...
Two hours of prime-time argument presented voters with a sharp contrast to the optimistic vision of America that President Barack Obama painted in his State of the Union address earlier this week.