Though the usual band of protesters chanted outside Donald Trump’s rally at the Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix, Arizona, Saturday, Trump focused instead on a threat from within the party.
In order to succeed with the current party split in the Senate, legislation needs support from both sides of the aisle, so those advocating any changes to gun laws have shifted their hopes to Collins’ compromise proposal, even though it’s a narrow sliver of what gun...
“It’s exactly what everybody said; he’s got great offensive instincts and great skills, can play with either hand and shoot the ball and put it on the floor and make some passes”, Van Gundy said.
A federal judge ruled Thursday that the restrictions on speeches and demonstrations outside of July’s Republican National Convention planned by the city of Cleveland were unconstitutional.
President Barack Obama and other Democrats were joined by Republican leaders disconcerted by Mr Donald Trump in condemning his anti-Muslim rhetoric following the Orlando shooting.
There was a security guard at Pulse the night of the shooting – who exchanged fire with the gunman before retreating – but Trump’s comments implied that club goers, many of whom had likely been drinking, should also have been armed, so that they could have...