Hillary Clinton achieved key victories in Georgia and Virginia to extend her lead over Democratic rival Bernie Sanders, who won his home state of Vermont but risks a major setback if he has a poor showing in the rest of the Super Tuesday primaries and caucuses.
Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump, with former rival candidate Governor Chris Chri … Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. speaks the Fort Museum Opera House in Fort Dodge, Iowa, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016.
U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Tuesday that the Republican presidential nominee must reject any group “built on bigotry”, an admonishment aimed at Donald Trump after the front-runner failed to disavow a white supremacist group in an interview.
Congressman Louie Gohmert said anyone who calls Cruz a liar is “the biggest liar”, in reference to GOP frontrunner Donald Trump. “And we’re seeing the effect of that this election”, he said, referring to the broad support for Trump.
If Clinton has similarly strong wins in the Southern states that vote on Tuesday, the gains may be enough to grow her delegate lead to the point where Sanders can’t catch up.
Senator Ted Cruz, a Republican from Texas and 2016 presidential candidate, speaks during a campaign rally at Durango Community Center YMCA in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S., on Monday, Feb. 22, 2016.
The statewide grand jury investigation, which started in 2014 with a referral from the Cambria County District Attorney’s office, discovered the Roman Catholic Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown kept a secret archive detailing hundreds of abuse claims against 50 priests and other...
Image: Actor and comedian Bill Cosby arrives for the second day of hearings at the Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown, Pennsylvania February 3, 2016.
The comments from Thomas were directed at a government attorney, Ilana H. Eisenstein, in a case called Voisine v. United States. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) to limit domestic abusers’ access to firearms.