Cotter said the teacher contacted her and that she and the school resource officer went the student’s class where he was working on schoolwork and took him to the office.
President Obama has begun to solicit advice from top Senate Republicans and Democrats in his effort to nominate a successor to the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the White House said Friday.
Chairmen or chief executives of 36 FTSE 100 companies, including Asda, BT, Marks & Spencer, Kingfisher and Vodafone, said in a letter that “Brexit” would “deter investment and threaten jobs”.
Clinton made her oft used called for “love and kindness” at the two church stops, but did so with a more political bent by subtly knocking Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, in front of the primarily black audiences.
A total of 13 Republicans and three Democrats qualified to be on the Virginia ballot, although some already have suspended their campaigns and others may do so prior to the election.
The victory in SC will give Clinton momentum as the contest heads toward Super Tuesday (Wednesday NZT), where she and Sanders will compete in 11 states. The truth is that Sanders can still win enough delegates from future states to clinch the nomination, but would have to defy...
News outlets discuss findings from two CDC reports on Zika virus among travelers to Latin America and the Caribbean, including pregnant women and the sexual partners of those travelers.