Alluding to GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign pledge, former President Bill Clinton said “we don’t need a wall on the Rio Grande” and the federal government should let undocumented immigrant students and their parents stay in the U.S.
Groups have formed to get a referendum on the November ballot to change Colorado’s caucus system to a primary, which would allow more than just affiliated Democrats and Republicans to participate.
They have strengthened their place in the final eight of the Western Conference as they are three victories ahead of the eighth ranked Houston Rockets (who have a 29-30 record), and four wins away with the Utah Jazz (who are in the ninth place with a 28-30 record). The Trail...
School officials say Madison Jr/Sr High School will dismiss early once they get clearance to lift the lock down from the Butler County Sheriff’s Office.
“There is a political revolution brewing in this country, and I can feel it right here in Austin today”, said Sanders, who describes himself as a Democratic socialist. Karen and Joe Warkentine, a couple who drove from Greeley to hear Sanders speak, said they are fans...
Senior Chief Byers earned the award for his courageous actions during a mission in Afghanistan in which his team rescued a civilian being held hostage in December 2012.
They chose her over Mr Sanders by more than six to one, while white voters narrowly favoured her as well, according to exit polls. But Clinton’s campaign for the Democratic nomination was in dire need of a major triumph after Sanders breezed to victory in New Hampshire...
Offers vary by location and will include one of the following: a free sandwich with purchase of chips and a 32oz drink, Buy One Get One Free entrée or $1 off any sandwich on the menu.