Hillary Clinton won the South Carolina Democratic primary on Saturday, notching a decisive win in a state where she suffered a devastating loss just eight years ago.
Clinton made a stop in Alabama, a Super Tuesday state, on Saturday before returning to Columbia, South Carolina’s capital, for an evening victory party.
Those delegates, elites in the Democratic Party including former and current presidents as well as members of Congress, boost Clinton’s delegate count to 505 over Sanders’ 71 so far.
Sheriff’s deputies were called to the scene by the gunman just before 9 a.m. The gunman had called an officer he had previous contact with directly and told him about shooting four people and his intention to kill himself, Spurling said.
The party also has another 16 unpledged delegates, or “superdelegates”, who are party leaders whose votes aren’t determined by the results of March 1 caucuses.
It’s official: The Marco Rubio vs. Donald Trump war of words has gone from being somewhat policy-related… Now, however, he says “there is no one better prepared to provide America with the strong leadership that it needs both at home and around the world than...
We have seen that eight years ago despite winning the majority in Super Tuesday, Hillary Clinton went on to lose the nomination. Super Tuesday, when Colorado will be joined by 11 other states and American Samoa (for a total of 10 primaries and three caucuses), figures to bring...