Flint, the MI city known for the high lead levels in its drinking water, will also soon begin playing a regular role in how the federal government measures inflation.
Legislative leaders on Tuesday announced a joint state House and Senate committee to review reports on what happened in Flint and make policy recommendations to avoid a similar crisis in the future.
The main Republican candidates for the presidency – Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio – contend that tradition holds that an outgoing president abstains from naming Supreme Court nominees in an election year, like this one.
“I’m curious how many reporters ask Marco Rubio after losing four states in a row, ‘So when do you drop out when you haven’t won a state?'” Cruz told reporters after receiving the endorsement of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.
Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told reporters Tuesday night at the Community College of Southern Nevada, where Trump appeared at a caucus site, that the location was “out of ballots” and he’d heard efforts were being made to print more.
Among voters who identify as Republicans when given the choice to bolt for the Tea Party, the candidates were relatively even: Cruz had 32 percent to Trump’s 30 percent. Abbott called Cruz “a Constitutionalist whose judgment I trust to appoint the right judges to the...
Clyburn, a former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, and the third-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives, endorsed Clinton on February 19. She started the trend toward looking to do something about health care.
Sanders immediately brought up the distinction between him and Sec. I went to Wall Street before the Great Recession. In such a scenario, Clinton may well be forced to really rile up the base of the Democratic Party in the way Sanders has done. Sanders gave his word that funding...
An undercover FBI agent met Jackson as part of the Chow investigation, and Jackson invited him to contribute to Yee, who was trying to retire a campaign debt and raise funds for his campaign for California secretary of state.