Tod Brilliant, who was travelling from California to Nashville for business, took pictures of a naked man and shared them on Facebook. “I walked up to him and said ‘You’re unbelievable.’ He replied, ‘Thanks.’ Then they came for him”.
“I recognize the right of the president, be it Republican or Democrat, to place before the Senate a nominee for the Supreme Court and I fully expect and look forward to President Barack Obama advancing a nominee for the Senate to consider”. In the second session of...
Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are locked in a battle to become their party’s alternative to NY billionaire Donald Trump in Nevada’s caucus.
According to the poll, Sanders won Hispanic caucus-voters ages 17-29 by 83 to 12 percent, and Clinton won those ages 30 and above by 65 to 34 percent. Sanders slipped into an employee cafeteria to shake hands with workers.
Behind him in SC was Marco Rubio, around whom is gathering GOP establishment support seeking to block Mr. Trump. Trump and Ted Cruz have been battling for similar slices of the vote in Iowa, New Hampshire and SC with Cruz making ideological attacks – accusing Trump of not...
There was little time for celebration for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton after she narrowly defeated Bernie Sanders in the Nevada caucus Saturday evening.
Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Sonya Sotomayor have been classified as the liberal wing, and Scalia, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts comprised the conservative wing.
From his part, Senator Marco Rubio was pleased to occupy second place, as he reiterated his confidence in winning the Republican nomination after his good performance in the primaries in SC.
A large majority of black voters supported Mrs Clinton in Nevada, according to polls, an outcome that bodes well for her in next Saturday’s Democratic primary in SC. The former secretary of state credited her staff for the five-point Nevada victory, saying their...