A recent poll conducted by “Real Clear Politics” has Clinton and Bernie Sanders tied at 45% in Nevada. And despite taking in heaps of money in campaign donations from both the insurance and pharmecutical industries, she added “I took on the drug companies and I...
According to exit polling data, Trump ran strongest among Republican voters who were anxious about immigration, the fate of the economy, and the threat of a terrorist attack in the US.
During last Thursday’s Democrat debate, Clinton said, “Senator Sanders is the only person who I think would characterize me – a woman running to be the first woman president – as exemplifying the establishment”. Hillary Clinton’s 2008 victory...
However, she said the bill was a response to several anti-abortion measures, including a recently ratified law that requires a woman seeking an abortion to get counseling at least 24 hours in advance from a health professional. It was the very first piece of legislation Gov. Matt...
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said Friday he invited Snyder and EPA chief Gina McCarthy to testify on the Flint crisis. They said the data should help determine when and where the corrosion control treatment has been...
Justice Antonin Scalia died Saturday and President Obama has said he will nominate a replacement so the Senate can conduct a “fair hearing” and hold a “timely vote”.
It’s not hard to imagine that any Supreme Court appointment by Obama will vote the other way, giving the EPA a 5-4 victory, when the Clean Power Plan comes before the court again.
Democratic Party officials in the U.S. state of Iowa have found new errors in the original count in Monday’s Iowa caucus where Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton narrowly beat Bernie Sanders.
Tonight a few high clouds will pass through and that will keep temperatures mild in the low to mid 40s. Lows Thursday will be in the low to upper 40s with highs in the mid-60s. At times we could have some more very heavy rain. After the fog burned off, we have a handsome day in...
Bradley moved forward on Tuesday after a campaign that has been marked by partisanship. The statewide Supreme Court race will reduce the number of candidates from three to two for the April election.