The National Weather Service issued a wind chill advisory for much of the state from 4 p.m. Saturday to noon Sunday. Wind chills could dip as low as -30.
Bernie Sanders met with Rev. Al Sharpton Wednesday in NY in an apparent move to diversify his voting base, which may become crucial as the campaign moves into SC.
“And it was a mistake in the sense that, I mean what I was trying to avoid, Wolf, was kind of an inner-party fight, I don’t like Republican-on-Republican violence in these debates”.
In a Bloomberg Politics/Purple Strategies focus group, South Carolina Republican voters praised Ted Cruz for being trustworthy and religious, while Donald Trump was described as “brave” but “crass”.
Miller has an inside look at Manning’s physical and mental state that the rest of us simply don’t, so it would be neglectful to discount his words, but the idea of Manning coming back instead of taking the opportunity to walk away at the top of the sport doesn’t...
Exit polls after the New Hampshire primary showed that one in three voters said the most important attribute a candidate needs to have in order to win their vote is honesty.
The constitutional requirement has been debated by some scholars, but Cruz, who is a constitutional lawyer and the former Texas solicitor general, maintains he is eligible to be president.
Rick Snyder on Wednesday proposed spending hundreds of millions more dollars to address Flint’s water crisis and to update infrastructure, including lead water pipes, in the city and across the state.
Authorities there say they are now investigating nearly 4,000 reports of birth defects in babies – which could be linked to the virus. New evidence of Zika in the brain of an aborted foetus, reported on Wednesday, added to the case.
A day after President Barack Obama called out state Rep. Ken Dunkin, D-Chicago, during his address to the Illinois Legislature, the lawmaker talked about his moment in the spotlight.