The spectrum of issues surrounding race – the inequities of the criminal justice system, unjust policing and crippling effects of poverty – became a major focal point of Thursday night’s presidential debate, marking a critical juncture in the race as Democratic...
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has accused rival Ted Cruz of stealing a victory in the Iowa caucuses and called for another vote or nullification of Cruz’s win. He added: “Many people voted for Cruz over Carson because Cruz is a fraud”.
President Barack Obama waves as he walks out of the residence toward Marine One while departing the White House, on February 10, 2016 on his way to make a speech in Springfield, Illinois. “The reason this is important to me?”
OR coach Dana Altman sees no reason why the Golden Bears won’t push for the title, either, especially after watching the 11th-ranked Ducks suffer their worst loss of the season. After the final buzzer, there was a similar absence of answers for why they had fallen flat and...
He said Clinton would compile a lead in delegates giving her a clear a path to prevail. Instead, the 69-year-old lashed out at the Sanders campaign for what he described as inaccurate and “sexist” attacks on his wife. Bernie Sanders fired back on Monday after former...
“I liked his experience and his approach to the economy”, said Peggy Larkin, a 44-year-old human resources coordinator from Hollis who turned out for Kasich’s party here.
In a day trip to the state capital where he began his career and also launched his presidential bid, Obama fretted over the harsh tone and hardening partisanship he says is turning off voters.
It’s the second visit to Tennessee by the Hillary Clinton campaign in recent months. Whether it was chatting with diner-goers who happened to be all white or releasing campaign ads full of white people, the candidates seemed to follow this demographic.
“It is the kind of criticism…that I expect to hear from Republicans, not from someone running for the Democratic nomination to succeed President Obama”, she added. In their opening statements, both Clinton and Sanders nodded to issues that concern...