The retired neurosurgeon will let go over 50 of his 125 staff members. But a Carson adviser told The Post that a campaign shake-up was in the works before the caucuses.
The former Pennsylvania Senator dropped out of the presidential race on Wednesday after losing favour in the Iowa caucus and has instead spoken out in favour of his Republican colleague Senator Rubio.
Jennifer Williams, who owns a small ranch outside of Burns, said she arrived at the demonstrations to send a message that the standoff supporters don’t represent the voice of the community outside the Harney County Courthouse in Burns, Monday.
After accepting his second-place finish at the Iowa caucuses with uncharacteristic grace but calling the result an “honor”, Donald Trump accused rival Ted Cruz on Wednesday of having won the contest through fraud.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chairman of the oversight panel, said EPA should have acted on its own to warn the public about water problems in Flint. “We are not letting this go”.