Four days before the Iowa caucuses, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign has released a doctor’s letter declaring Sander “in overall very good health”.
Later on during his first presidential visit to a mosque, Obama addressed his concern that Muslim families are ostensibly being bullied by Americans concerned about the increased risk of radical Islamic terrorism at home and overseas.
Now they all head to the Florida Times-Union Regional Spelling Bee, began in 1944 and open to students in fifth through eighth grades who won their designated county’s spelling bee in a 14-county Northeast Florida district. “I never thought I could do it”, she said.
Sanders’ nearby home state of Vermont has been hit particularly hard by heroin addiction. But a win is a win, and she wants it to stay that way through the New Hampshire contest Tuesday and beyond.
Friday morning will support lows in the upper 20s and lower 30s with highs in the lower to mid-50s. A few snow flurries and possibly an occasional snow shower could be seen Tuesday, but don’t expect any significant accumulation.
“As Secretary Clinton holds high-dollar fundraisers with the nation’s financial elite, our supporters have stepped up in a way that allows Bernie to spend the critical days before the caucuses talking to Iowans about his plans to fix a rigged economy and end a corrupt...
It was in these mosques, he said, where an overwhelming majority of Muslims worked to build “bridges of understanding with other faiths, Christians, Jews” and ran health centres and taught their children.
Aside from the appeal, The Rakyat Post reported that Apple has also filed court papers asking United States district judge Robert Schroeder to declare a mistrial.
Before he can try to do that, though, Rubio will have to fend off challenges from three governors who barely registered among Iowa Republicans but have dedicated most of their energy and cash to reaching New Hampshire’s maverick voters.