But among Republicans and Republican leaners, these figures are nearly exactly reversed: 65% say she is not religious, while just 28% say she is at least somewhat religious, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. It was well received, particularly when she blasted...
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders will release a tough new television ad critical of Goldman Sachs’ role in the financial meltdown and use of speaking fees as he ramps up criticism of Hillary Clinton’s ties to Wall Street. “If you think that both...
In January 2015, while cries from residents of Flint, Mich., that something was wrong with the tap water went ignored, state officials made provisions to have watercoolers installed at the State Office Building in Flint.
Before we all take out our short swords and commit hari-kari over the prospect that Jeb Bush won’t slink away in shame after he is buried in New Hampshire, I would simply point out there is no other poll from any other state in the past month that shows any movement at all...
A day after NBC News reported that none of the corroded lead pipes at the core of the Flint water crisis have been removed, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder admitted he has no immediate plans to replace them.
Bernie Sanders is seizing on recent polls that he says show he is just as electable as Hillary Clinton, as voters prepare to begin choosing between the two candidates in Democratic primaries.
The FGCU swimming and diving team was named to the list of 2015 College Swimming Coaches Association of America Fall Scholar All-America Teams on Wednesday, Jan. 27.
Bernie Sanders takes control of the Democratic race in the critical first-in-the-nation voting state, according to a new CNN/ORC poll released Thursday.
Clinton champions her role in the Obama administration and the president’s achievements as she makes her appeal to voters in Iowa and across the country.