There was one person reported inside of the building when the fire began, but he was able to escape, according to McConnell, who said he did not believe the fire was suspicious.
She wasn’t the only one. The problems in Flint occurred when the city switched the source of water entering its pipes. According to Interim Director Keith Creagh, “we can say that things are trending better”. “My youngest daughter is nearly two”. In...
On Tuesday evening, Southern California’s air quality regulator sued SoCal Gas, the company that owns a leaking natural gas storage well just north of Los Angeles. The complaint filed against the utility claims it created a public nuisance and that people were harmed...
It has driven a wedge between social conservatives and the business wing of the Republican Party, with the state’s business establishment pushing lawmakers to go further and adopt full civil rights protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
Hillary Clinton, facing an increasingly tight race for the Democratic nomination, pushed her chief rival, Bernie Sanders, to participate in an additional debate next week before the first-in-the-nation primary in New Hampshire.
Both Clinton, the Democrat, and Rubio, the Republican, are polling behind other candidates in most recent Iowa public opinion surveys. Clinton’s campaign spent the day working to revive a debate about gun control, building on her previous criticism of Sanders for backing...
Click received heavy backlash after video surfaced of her asking for “some muscle” to physically remove a student journalist from a protestor encampment surfaced.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a nationally known but controversial immigration hard-liner, on Tuesday officially endorsed Donald Trump for president. He produces results and is ready to get tough to protect American jobs and families. Arpaio, a hard-line immigrant opponent,...
The combination of falling domestic demand and increasing imports reduced the market for domestic suppliers by about 8 percent previous year, the company said, from shipments of about 16.2 million tons in 2014 to about 15 million tons in 2015. The company, which operates mills...
The Federal Trade Commission announced Wednesday it was bringing a lawsuit against DeVry University for misleading students about their likelihood of landing a job after graduation and how much money they could expect to make with a DeVry degree, the agency said Wednesday.
The river had a reputation for nastiness, and after the April 2014 switch, residents complained their water looked, smelled and tasted amusing. The Detroit water system, which had supplied Flint for a half-century, fought fiercely until 2013 to keep the city as a customer....