Of these abortions, more than one-third of all adult women in this country are estimated to have had at least one, and 18 percent of those obtaining abortions are teenagers. “And two, that those of us who are in states with a lot of restrictions really do not have the same...
Gov. Nikki Haley’s response to President Obama’s final State of the Union address Tuesday night is getting both praise and criticism, with much of the criticism coming from her own party. She offered a tacit rebuke of Donald Trump when she said, “During anxious...
“I’m sure my brother is going to be campaigning by my side, all that stuff is going to happen, but I got to win this”, Bush said at the town hall in Hampton.
“I am not interested in ideas that sound good on paper but will never make it in the real world”, Clinton said. I was in the Senate for eight wonderful years representing NY.
Walmart has announced that more than 1.2 million of its employees in the United States are going to receive a pay rise from February 20 of this year, as part of the second phase of the company’s $2.7 billion investment in its workers.
“This is an embarrassment to the city of Flint, first of all, and an embarrassment to our government and to our residents”, Hornaday said Tuesday night after Snyder’s State of the State speech.
As we approach Friday’s 43rd anniversary of the Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court abortion decision that has resulted in the deaths of 55 million babies since 1973, I am saddened for the termination of their lives. “People have a complex understanding of what the issue...
The House overrode the veto on Wednesday, but the Senate postponed their vote until February 5, when they expect to have one vacant Senate seat filled.