Palin confirmed Tuesday in an Iowa campaign event that she has thrown her support behind GOP front-runner Donald Trump, saying that she is “proud to endorse” Trump.
The Republican-led House lately has been pushing a free-market approach to health care, demanding that a host of regulations be lifted from hospitals and other health care providers.
Trump, Cruz, and fellow Senator Marco Rubio are the only candidates in double-digits ahead of the first in the nation Iowa caucuses at the beginning of February.
KitKat’s company Nestle say they plan to appeal the decision after Mr Justice Arnold rejected the application on Wednesday after rival Cadbury objected.
At stake in United States v. Texas-the umbrella name for the 26 states that sued to block Obama’s 2014 executive actions-are the legal statuses of almost 5 million undocumented immigrants, who, if the court rules in favor of the Obama administration, could receive temporary...
The armed group took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge on January 2 to protest federal land use policies. One thanked him for raising awareness around issues of public lands, but told him it’s time to go home to his family.
An map displays potential snow amounts, however, National Weather Service forecasters are not yet ready to say how much snow New Jersey could get from the storm.
Still, Trump’s official Twitter feed blasted Cruz throughout Saturday, as he sought to capitalize on a pair of New York Times reports detailing Cruz’s failure to explain fully two loans from Citibank and Goldman Sachs that he now says he used to help finance his 2012...
But the Supreme Court has to first over-rule the federal court’s decision, which stopped the actions a year ago. Under the executive actions, immigrant adults in the country illegally would be allowed to stay if they have children who are US citizens or lawful permanent...