Firefighters arrived at the house in Chillum, about six miles north of Washington, just after 2 a.m., the Prince George’s County fire chief, Marc Bashoor, said.
While it’s still too early to tell precise amounts or an exact track, Houk said he’s confident that the mid-Atlantic region will face the brunt of the storm.
As an angle of attack, Ted Cruz accusing Donald Trump of harboring “New York values’ may or may not bear fruit in the end”. Like expected, this means that both of them take every chance they have to attack each other.
Clinton said that she had stood up to the health care industry when it spent millions of dollars attacking her, and she argued for building on Obamacare rather than risk it being repealed. Ms Clinton defended her outreach to Russia early in her term as secretary of state, but...
Speaking to reporters at the Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit, Branstad said Iowans would make a mistake in supporting Cruz, the current Iowa front-runner and staunch opponent of the Renewable Fuel Standard.
The third participant in the debate, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, tried persistently to insert himself into the conversation. “The Republicans just voted last week to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and thank goodness, President Obama vetoed it and saved...
Post Executive Editor Martin Baron and Foreign Editor Douglas Jehl said Rezaian “looked good” during their two-hour meeting in a conference room at the Landstuhl medical center near the Ramstein Air Base, according to the Post.
“For whatever reason Donald doesn’t react well when he’s going down in the polls”, Ted Cruz said. All of the audio was taken from Trump’s introductory remarks at a fundraising dinner in February 2014, during the halcyon days of the two...
There is some dispute between the models about how powerful the storm will end up being by the time it develops off the U.S. East Coast, said Rob Carolan, a meteorologist at Hometown Forecast Services Nashua, New Hampshire.