O’Malley joined other Democratic hopefuls in calling for greater collaboration between Silicon Valley and the government to figure how to secure against threats from violent extremists such as ISIS. A total of six primary debates were scheduled by the Democratic National...
The Republican National Committee has officially dropped NBC as the host of next month’s Super Tuesday debate in Houston and has instead replaced the peacock network with CNN.
The 70 new guardsmen more than doubled the number already in Flint to hand out bottled water, filters and testing kits in the city’s worst-hit neighborhoods.
In South Carolina, the Texas Senatorquestioned Trump’s conservative credentials on the issues of abortion and gay marriage while the business mogul attacked Cruz over his undisclosed loans and comments demeaning “New York values”. “He didn’t report...
“Artistic and creative empowerment in the areas of music, theater and dance is essential to Dr. King’s vision of building a beloved community”, said Ronn Johnson, CEO of Martin Luther King Family Services.
Iranian state television said earlier that Khosravi-Roodsari was one of four released prisoners who flew out of the country on a “special Swiss plane”.
But on that first play of overtime – which Fitzgerald turned into a 75-yard rumble to the Packers’ 5 – and the third play, the shovel-pass he caught for the winning touchdown, he reminded the world that he was not about to be overshadowed by anybody was still...
(Photo: REUTERS/Joshua Roberts)U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is shown on a big screen as he speaks at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, January 18, 2016. He also vowed, “If I’m president you’re going to see Merry Christmas in...