Hillary Clinton responded to the tightening race with Bernie Sanders on Thursday by arguing early polls that showed her with a sizable lead were “artificial”. Bernard Sanders is showing he has a real chance of winning SC and crashing through the Clinton...
The prepared riff, coming after reporters surrounded him at a back entrance here, comes after Trump used the 9/11 attacks in NY as a response to Cruz’s criticism of the real-estate mogul’s values on the debate stage Thursday in Charleston.
“I just feel that they are central to the multi- billionaires, who I feel are a threat to the democracy of this country”, said Charles West, 89, a retired clergyman from Algona, Iowa.
While Bush is struggling in Republican polls, Graham said the former Florida governor can revive his candidacy in SC, which hosts a pivotal Republican primary on February 20.
The state admitted it made a mistake, and contributed to a public health emergency, when a local pediatrician reported unusually high lead levels in Flint children’s blood.
The White House praised Republican Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina Wednesday for having the “courage” to criticize GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump.
What are the actual benefits of having a world headquarters in Boston? “It has more to do with their transformation into a digital industrial company than a short-term tax issue that was never fully implemented…”
While his endorsement could be meaningful in influencing the SC primaries, it won’t matter if, as Bush’s donors hope, he drops out after New Hampshire.
“One says it’s OK to take millions [in campaign contributions] from big banks, and then tell them what to do”, Sanders narrated in his spot. Speaking in the ad, Mr. Sanders describes “two Democratic visions for regulating Wall Street”, a topic the...