Gov. Rick Snyder called out the National Guard on Tuesday night to distribute bottled water and filters in Flint, where the tap water is contaminated with lead.
MI which has declared a state of emergency for the city, says it’ll work with the federal government to determine what additional resources are available. We tend to associate human rights violations with war crimes, child labor and other bad things we assume only happen in...
South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley’s tone deaf, anti-conservative, establishment Republican “rebuttal” to Obama’s final State of the Union speech was supposed to be her audition for the Vice Presidential spot on a Rubio, Bush, Christie or Kasich ticket.
Over the weekend, for example, the editorial board of the Detroit Free Press turned its attention directly to Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R), who’s facing calls for his arrest from protestors, comparing his handling of the Flint crisis to George W. Bush’s handling of...
Edwards’ order came two days ahead of President Barack Obama’s public appearance in Baton Rouge, where he’ll champion his federal health care overhaul that allows for the Medicaid expansion.
Clinton’s latest criticisms focus on how Sanders would pay for his plan, which would cost an estimated $15 trillion over 10 years. “He asked them to pull down the last one they put up, he might ask them to take this one down tomorrow”.