“Number One, she’s very weak on illegal immigration”. “Mr. Trump has definitely contributed to what I think is just irresponsible talk”, Haley told “Today” show co-host Matt Lauer.
The coming Iowa caucuses will likely winnow the GOP field and the debate airing tonight might do the same. Hagenbuch. “For instance, if we use vulgarity or profanity to describe what another person has said or done, there’s a good chance our hearers will remember us...
Earlier in the evening, Trump told the crowd that the Washington Post came out with a “big story” (really, an op-ed) that day: “Ted Cruz is not eligible to be president”.
“… fighters from the Islamic State carried out this morning an armed attack that targeted foreigners and the security forces tasked with protecting them in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta”. Outside, two gunmen opened fire, killing a Canadian and wounding an...
“The timing is right for us to make that necessary adjustment and modernize our death penalty system so we can continue to have capital punishment in the state of Florida”, said Rep. Gaetz. This right required Florida to base Timothy Hurst’s death sentence on a...
President Barack Obama, right, stops to greet Father Michael Pfleger, left, Pastor at Saint Sabina Catholic Church in Chicago during a commercial break at a CNN televised town hall meeting at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016.
Moderators: FBN’s Sandra Smith and Trish Regan will moderate the 6 p.m. debate; FBN’s Managing Editor of Business News Neil Cavuto and Global Markets Editor Maria Bartiromo will moderate the 9 p.m. debates. The confrontation, widely expected in the last debate,...
Recently, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been raising the question of his rival Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be president, implying that, because he was born in Canada, he is not a “natural-born citizen”.
The new headquarters will be in the city’s Seaport District, a hotbed of high-tech start-ups and venture capital firms, and surrounded by 55 colleges and universities, many with elite reputations in the computer and software fields.
ReutersArizona Governor Doug DuceyArizona’s “Hashtag Governor”, as Doug Ducey likes to call himself, announced yesterday that his state will start using social media to publicly shame deadbeat dads who refuse to pay their child support.
Haley said the US should continue admitting “properly vetted legal immigrants, regardless of their race or religion” – an apparent reference to calls by Trump to temporarily bar Muslims from entering the country. “I’ve known that for a long...