“And while ISIS is beheading people and burning them in cages, he says climate change is our greatest threat”, Mr. Rubio continues in the direct-to-camera spot, referring to the Islamic State terrorist group.
“Donald Trump is scheduled to hold one of his rallies in Burlington, Vermont later tonight – the city where Bernie was mayor, and the city from which we are running our campaign for president”, wrote Jeff Weaver, Mr. Sanders’ campaign manager.
After Trump said on Thursday that running against Sanders would be a “dream come true”, the Democratic presidential candidate reminded Trump that in some hypothetical head-to-head matchups between the two candidates, Sanders comes out on top.
Into the early morning hours on Tuesday, the snow from late Monday night will begin to turn to sleet and freezing rain, making the Tuesday morning commute a messy one. Eventually that frozen precipitation will change to all rain during the day on Tuesday with a high in the 40s.
At a Capitol Hill press conference Thursday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) accused the GOP of obsessing about taking away “life-saving preventative care” from millions of women with their vote Wednesday to defund Planned Parenthood, the nation’s...