Such unflappable poise, maturity and stoicism in the face of nasty, sustained grunting from those horrid Republican neanderthals. I would like to assign a readers’ “Turkey” to The Express-Times.
The plan is aimed at reducing greenhouse gases that most, but not all, scientists say contribute to climate change. West Virginia is heading the group of states, which also includes Virginia, Texas, Alabama and New Jersey. The regulations could mean a few coal-fired power plants...
Donald Trump says the hearing on Benghazi with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton showed how partisan politics has become – and vowed to fix it if he’s elected president.
But Boehner, whose departure has left an unresolved leadership struggle, ruled out a default and said there were “several different paths” that House Republicans were discussing later Tuesday at a meeting of all House Republicans. Senate Democrats expect to provide...
The Alabama monster would have been slain, and the Bulldogs would have regained the upper hand in their rivalry with Ole Miss. Many will tell you its surging Alabama, while LSU is its sole unbeaten. “I think it has been the missing confidence more than anything, and...
They now have a $65.00 price target on the stock. On that basis, the average analyst estimate was $1.59 billion and $4.55 per share, respectively, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.
Slate reported, “Hillary Clinton Has Won the Benghazi Hearing”. While it’s tempting to chuckle at this relic of a bygone era shedding all pretense of impartiality, Rather’s substance-free ode to Hillary’s performance is demoralizingly representative...